The first major error that’s been brought to my attention is that this photo on page 150 I had labeled Edna (Bathrick) Coons is Edna’s daughter, Elsie (Coons) Greenfield,.
Her granddaughter Debby Loucks pointed this out to me and I am insanely indebted to her for her sharing her family photos which were all labeled!! Thanks to her I’m able to correct the error here and if there is ever a second edition of the book, the correct image (and so many more!) will grace its pages.
So here she is!
Edna L. Bathrick (12 Jan 1891–15 Jun 1985) was the daughter of Ward Bathrick and Antoinette Link, and sister of Arthur Link Bathrick, all of Gallatin (see also Blocks 3, 18, and 33).(1) Edna married Frank Coons (see Block 20). She was a member of the Red Hook Grange and had one daughter, Elise (Greenfield) of Falls Church, Virginia whom she was with when she died in 1985.(2)
- 1900 Census Gallatin, Columbia Co NY family 15, page 1, ed 12.
- Rhinebeck Gazette Advertiser, June 27, 1985.
It’s great that you were able to use some of the pictures I shared with you. Thanks so much!!!
Thank you!!
Thank you for this great information. Ward was the brother of my gggrandfather Jeremiah Bathrick.