The manuscript has been professionally proofread and I am currently wrangling the layout and doing some final preparations before printing, hopefully by the end of the year.
On 7/5/21, I got to see my octogenarian cousin Judy who gave me the quilt back in 2010. I wish I had a copy to give her right now, but there are still some major things to iron out, including:
1) I’ve decided to forgo any color pages which means I have to convert some images and both maps to black and white. The maps will need some work.
2) I realized I got the order of the blocks from #31 – #36 quite wrong. I’m not sure how I managed it, but now have to go in and change every reference to four blocks in the range in order correct it.
Please watch this space, sign up for email updates, etc. etc.
*soon, meaning, probably in 3-5 months.